Maintenance of Injector vacuum
After the replacement of the turbomolecular pump last week, this week the replacement of the oil rotary vane primary pump with a dry multi root pump was performed. Operating the injector vacuum system with oil free pumps is considered a major improvement and will eliminate the risk to have oil contamination in the vacuum chamber. Along with the replacement of the pump, performances tests of the oil rotary vane pump and of the dry multi root pump are performed to ensure similar and adequate performances in pumping H species. Next week the tests will be completed and the injector vacuum chamber will be pumped down to nominal vacuum: it is planned to resume the injector conditioning on 9th of November.
HEBT (High Energy Beam transport) commissioning
Checks and fine tuning of the HEBT magnets were resumed with CIEMAT remote support. We are facing some issues with two power supplies of two quadrupoles magnets of the second triplet. Investigations are on-going to minimize the impact on the schedule.
The replacement of the cooling pipes network for the HEBT scrapers in the vault was completed and successfully tested.

Disclaimer: the information reported is not meant to be technically complete and doesn’t cover all the activities currently carried out on LIPAc.