Weekly LIPAc highlights (15/Febuary-19/February)

Global Alignment survey

Additional data for the alignment survey have been collected with highest priority to complete the missing points and improve the accuracy of measurements. The attention is focused in the portions at the end of RFQ and beginning of MEBT. In parallel to the analyses of the data, a procedure to eventually realign those parts is under investigation.

Radio Frequency (RF) System and RFQ cavity                                                             

The start-up of the RF system with the calibration of the LLRF (Low Level RF) and the RF chains continued. The focus was the calibration of the Anode boxes and the installation of Low Pass Filters into the PSYS-LLRF interface boards. Check-out of the RFQ cavity with RF injection is pending the completions of these activities.

Beam Dump

As part of the BD skid commissioning, the update of the PLC software for the BD cooling skid has started with remote support by CIEMAT.

Control System

The Control System team is coordinating the work and ensuring the support of all the teams to complete the preparation of the new Central Control Room for the next beam commissioning and conditioning.

Disclaimer: the information reported is not meant to be technically complete and doesn’t cover all the activities currently carried out on LIPAc.